How to prepare your children for a sunset photo session


If you’ve got that niggling question in the back of your mind about how on earth your kids are going to manage and β€˜behave’ for a photo session, I’ve got some advice for you!

It’s not lost on me at all how tricky it can be having a shoot at sunset.. aka crazy hour when you have little babes and toddlers in tow.

The number one thing to do is let go of expectations of how you might imagine things should go and trust me as your photographer and your kid’s leading. Remember the reason why you booked a shoot in the first place. Know your why and the reason these images matter. It’s you and the beautiful souls you have been gifted to do life with and the rest of the details are not nearly as important as that. Show up ready to play, to love on your babies, to explore with them and to follow their leading. Let your little ones adventure and just surrender to the process.


It’s then that you will realise it’s not always about the epic backdrop the kids couldn’t manage to trek to or the hair that doesn’t stay in place or the clothes that got wet early on in the shoot. It’s not about perfection because life with kid’s never is. It’s messy, chaotic, exhausting and the most heart expansive and beautiful journey we can ever embark on. Let’s celebrate that!

I will always chat with you prior about your wishes for the session and what type of personalities your little ones have so that we can plan a location that will work really well for you all.

Here are a few tips and things you can do to make the shoot process easier with kids >

  • Give your children their day naps prior to the session or have a quieter day so they are not too tired when the session time rolls around.

  • Full bellies = happy kids so feed them before the session and bring along some snacks for the car ride home.

  • If we are heading to an area with water, bring towels and a change of clothes. A change of clothes is always a good idea in case something happens.

  • Keep the kids in easy play clothes in the car and get them dressed at the location if you are worried about them getting dirty in the car. Just allow a bit of extra time before the session to get changed.

  • If it’s a colder season, make sure that everyone is dressed warmly. Layers are great as they can be easily removed and put back on during the session.

  • Think of the session like a family adventure arvo! Pitch it to the kids as a fun afternoon out together to play and hang out. Often kids have so much fun as being out at sunset is not often the norm.

  • If you have a bit of a drive home, plan an easy dinner in advance or head out somewhere as a family.

  • Try and avoid bribing your kids or bringing lollies and large or messy snacks as they will often ask for them multiple times throughout the session. Having something fun planned for after the session or a reward is often a better option. If you would like to pack a little treat as you know that may really help, by all means do, and we can use it only if necessary.

Here’s a look at what we can create together at an afternoon session with your little ones. Let’s laugh, play and surrender to the joys of this season of life and captured it in all its beauty. I’m forever thankful for the families that trust me with these memories. Heart full!

I love LOVE! Not the perfectly curated, fairy tale kind, but the beautiful everyday, ordinary, real kinda love. The kind that is full of belly laughs, soft kisses, gentle words, hard moments and honest connection. The kind of love that you choose time and time again, even when it’s hard!
I want to show you the beauty in it all and create images worthy of your family archives. Images layered with your stories, full of truth, honesty and all the feels!

I’m a lover of documenting daily rhythms and uncovering the stories that unfold within your four walls on the daily. That’s exactly what we did with Bec and Nick. We hung out for a morning at home and I captured their daily rhythms as a fam with their two boys and their little girl on the way. NOthing beats these kinds of memories!


What to wear to your photo session


Slow Mornings at home